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International Project “WEAVING”
Explanatory note
Weaving was a kind of needlework and a way of earning money in Russia for many centuries and it was impossible to survive without it.
Manual weaving had a great success in Bashkortostan. People weaved curtains (sharshau),
Clothes and articles of housekeeping applications were weaved on a manual weaving loom. There appeared a new kind of
In Bashkiria traditions of weaving with geometrical and vegetable desigh, colouring and making decorative patterns were passed from father to son.
Due to realization of UN Convention of Invalids’ Rights and within UNESCO Project “Inclusive education” in Salavat College of Education and Professional Technologies there appeared a great necessity of creating training workshops of manual weaving for disabled people.
The starting point was the idea that each patient has a little of a healthy person and he is a potential worker; a usual way of “going to bed” leads to apathy and further demolition of an individual.
Work in manual weaving can be really divided into stages in any way so it is possible to adapt it to a patient’s specific requirements. That’s why work in manual weaving is always used for therapeutic purposes.
* Revival of the Bashkir people’s handicraft – weaving.
* Study the German experience of weaving.
* Creating a workshop of manual weaving for disabled people.
* Working out a curriculum and methodical materials of the training course “Weaving” for disabled people.
* Organising a training course of manual weaving manufacturing.
* General conclusion of scientific approaches in the Russian and German systems of rendering help to disabled people.
* Dissemination of the
III. Addressed audience:
institutions of education and social defence, disabled people and their parents.
IV. Participants of project:
UNESCO Committee in the republic of Bashkortostan, the State
autonomous educational institution of secondary professional education
Salavat college of education and professional technologies (SAEI SPE
Salavat college of education and professional technologies), the Society
“Bridge of Friendship Boden – Vyurtemberg – Bashkortostan”, the
friendship society “ Bridges to Ufa”, Leyenhof, the manufacturing
society “Agidel”.
1) to study the experience of organizing a work in German weaving workshops;
2) to work out a curriculum and a course of studies “ Manual weaving” incooperation with Leyenhof, Lautenbakh, Ferinbul (in
1)Assembling of
2) Elaboration of working instructions for disabled people (in 2015)
3)Realisation of the training course “Manual weaving”.
1) to present the experience at the regional, federal and international
levels, including the UNESCO scientific educational resource center
(in2015 –2017)
2) to lay down the prospects of developing manual weaver production for disabled people in Russia.
4)Essence of project
1) discussion of creating training weaving workshops in Salavat at the round- table meeting in Eslingen (December, 2014)
2) arranging Internationaldiscussion in SAEI SPE Salavat collegeof education and professional technologies
3) organizing round- table meetings inSAEI SPE Salavat college of education and professional technologies to discuss problems of arranging disabled people at the labour market (April 8, 2015; July 2015)
4) organizing in German rehabilitation centers the experience exchange courses on the problemsof arranging disabled people at the labour market (a person in each year – 2013, 2014, 2015)
5) arranging courses of improvement of professional skills (in
6) presenting the first- rate work of themanufacturing society “Agidel” (in
7) functioning of the republican experimental laboratory titled “ Raising of disabled people’s social successfulness in the system of continuous inclusive education” (in
8)holding scientific conferences (in
Prospects of development:
1) arranging disabled people at the labour market
2) creating training workshops of manual weaving for disabled people where unique goods will be made generalization and dissemination of experience on training in weaving workshops of SAEI SPE Salavat college of education and professional technologies.
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Международный проект «ТКАЧЕСТВО»
Пояснительная записка
Ткачество – вид рукоделия, без которого
Ручное ткачество получило наибольшее развитие
Из поколения
В рамках реализации Конвенции
Отправной точкой была идея, что
1.Тип проекта: Исследовательский, обменный, социальный, международный.
- Возрождение башкирского народного ремесла -ткачества.
- Изучение опыта ткачества
в Германии. - Создание мастерской ручного ткачества для людей
с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. - Разработка учебно-методических материалов для курса «Ткачество» для людей
с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. - Организация учебного курса по ручному ткацкому производству.
- Обобщение научных подходов российской
и германской системы оказания помощи людямс ограниченными возможностями здоровья. - Распространение опыта работы
на республиканском, всероссийскоми международном уровнях.
3.Целевая аудитория: Учреждения образования, социальной защиты РБ, родители, лица
4.Участники проекта: Комитет РБ по делам ЮНЕСКО, Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Салаватский колледж образования
5. Этапы проекта:
- Пропедевтический:
- изучить опыт организации работы
в ткацких мастерских Германии; - разработка программного материала учебного курса «Ручное ткачество»
в сотрудничестве с Леенхоф, Лаутенбах, Феринбуль(2013–2014 гг.)
2. Организационный:
1) Сборка ткацких станков
2) Разработка рабочих инструкций для лиц
(2015 гг.).
3) Организация учебного курса «Ручное ткачество»
3. Завершающий:
1. Представить опыт работы
2. Определить перспективы развития ручного ткачества для лиц
4.Содержательные аспекты проекта:
1)Обсуждение вопроса по организации трудовых мастерских по ткачеству в
2) Организация международной дискуссионной площадки
2)Круглые столы по проблемам трудоустройства лиц
3)Организация стажировок
4)Проведение курсов повышения квалификации (2015-2017гг.)
6)Функционирование республиканской экспериментальной площадки по теме: «Формирование социальной успешности
8) Организация научно-практических конференций (2015-2017г.)
Перспективы развития:
- Трудоустройство лиц
с ОВЗ в количестве 10 человек до2017 г. - Создание ткацкой мастерской, где будут создаваться уникальные изделия.
- Обобщение
и распространение опыта работы ГАОУ СПО Салаватский колледж образованияи профессиональных технологий по организации обучения ткачеству
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* Summarising efforts of different specialists in realizationa special aid
to children and teenagers with speech and ear defects;
* Realisation of a complex approach in reforming and developing work
with children and teenagers with speech and ear defects and their social
– psychological –
* General conclusion of scientific approaches in the Russian and German
systems of rendering help to disabled peoplewith speech and eardefects
after a cochlear implantation as well as people with problems of motor
III. Addressed audience:
institutions of education and social defence in the republic of Bashkortostan, disabled people and their parents.
IV. Participants of project:
SAEI SPE Salavat college of education and professional technologies,
SAEI SPO Salavat medical college, the kindergarten № 1in Salavat,
SBI Salavat regional psychological – medical – pedagogical board, LRS
“Medical centre”, “ Medical service”, MEI SCS (school) № 15,
Sterlitamac state pedagogical academy, Istitution of education
development, Institution FON in Shtutgart, UNESCO Committee in
RB, the Bashkir state pedagogical university, Ufa state academy of
economics and service.
1) International seminars on the point of the project: June
3)organizing in German rehabilitation centres the experience exchange courses on the problems of training, education and rehabilitation of disabled people with speech and ear defects after a cochlear implantation;
4) arranging improvement courses of professional skills;
5) presenting the first- rate work;
6) publishing four collections of articles summarizing the results of the seminars;
7) functioning of the regional resource centre of social–
8)organizing courses on ergotherapy;
9)functioning of the federal experimental laboratory titled “ Cooperation of educational institutions and families with disabled children”;
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The college conducted systematic work on the creation of an accessible architectural environment for children with disabilities (ramps, handrails, accessible toilets, rooms for studies and extra-curricular activities).
A special bus, camping equipment make it possible for people with disabilities to go on excursions, hikes and alloys.
For gentle treatment of persons with disabilities in the educational process the room for psychological relaxation works, rehabilitation equipment (language laboratory, computer and multimedia software) was bought.
In the college there is a Regional resource center for socio-psychological and pedagogical support of disabled persons and persons with limited opportunities of health (order of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Bashkortostan No.
The project „training firms“ is aimed at improving the quality of education and vocational training, personal and professional competences.
Training of disabled people and people with limited opportunities of health is based on the principles of inclusive education, which makes it possible for everybody to get education.
Distance learning technology is implemented in the college which is demanded by the disabled living in remote rural areas. Internet technologies are widely used. Electronic educational materials for disciplines of general education and general professional education developed by teachers in Courslab are actively used in educational process. Moodle with
1»Professional education and training of people with disabilities"(NSEI HPE Institute of special pedagogics and special psychology named after
2. «Organization of educational process on the basis of modern technologies» (FSEI SVE «Petrovsky College», St. Petersburg)
3. «Application of ICT in education: organization of distance education and creation of an electronic library of remote access» (Ural Branch NSEI APE «Institute of Information Technologies „IT“, Ufa)
4. „Technologies of work on the Internet: computer technologies of training, based on open source MOODLE“ (Ural Branch NSEI APE „Institute of Information Technologies „IT“, Ufa)
5. „Organization of adaptive physical training with the disabled and people with limited opportunities of health“ (NSEI HPE „Academy EE and LHA“, Ufa)
6.“Therapy by creative self-expression in family counseling" (NSEI HPE „Academy EE and LHA“, Ufa)
7. Training activities on module programs of
The federal experimental site on the subject „Interaction of educational institutions and families having children with disabilities“ functions on the basis of the college.
Итоги реализации проекта „Инклюзивное образование“
В колледже проведена планомерная работа по созданию доступной архитектурной среды для детей-инвалидов (пандусы, поручни, оборудованные туалеты, учебные
Для организации щадящего режима инвалидов
В колледже работает Региональный ресурсный центр социально-психолого-педагогической поддержки инвалидов
Обучение инвалидов
В колледже реализуется технология дистанционного обучения, которая востребована инвалидами, проживающими
- „Профессиональное образование инвалидов“ (НОУ ВПО Институт специальной педагогики
и специальной психологииим. Р. Валленберга, г. Санкт-Петербург). - „Организация учебного процесса
на основе современных технологий“ (ФГОУ СПО „Петровский колледж“,г. Санкт-Петербург). - „Применение информационно-коммуникационных технологий
в образовании: организация дистанционного обученияи создание электронной библиотеки удаленного доступа“ (Уральский филиал НОУ ДПО «Институт информационных технологий „Ай Ти“,г. Уфа). - „Технологии работы
в сети Интернет: компьютерные технологии обучения,на основе свободно распространяемой оболочки MOODLE“ (Уральский филиал НОУ ДПО «Институт информационных технологий „Ай Ти“,г. Уфа). - „Организация адаптивной физической культуры
со студентами-инвалидами и лицами с ограниченными возможностями здоровья“ (НОУ ВПО „Академия ВЭГУ“,г. Уфа). - „Терапия творческим самовыражением
в семейном консультировании“ (НОУ ВПО „Академия ВЭГУ“,г. Уфа). - Обучающие мероприятия по модульным программам повышения квалификации для специалистов образовательных учреждений, обеспечивающих распространение организационно-правовых моделей успешной социализации детей
с ограниченными возможностями здоровьяи детей-инвалидов, на базе стажировочных площадок (Министерство образованияи науки Российской Федерации, Автономная некоммерческая организация «Научно-методический центр образования, воспитанияи социальной защиты детейи молодежи „СУВАГ“,г. Тамбов)
На базе колледжа функционирует федеральная экспериментальная площадка по теме „Взаимодействие образовательных учреждений