Проблемы со сдачей экзаменов, поступлением или получением документов?

I. Type of project: interchange, social, international, research work.

II. Goal and objects of project:

* Summarising efforts of different specialists in realizationa special aid

       to children and teenagers with speech and ear defects;                                    

* Realisation of a complex approach in reforming and developing work

       with children and teenagers with speech and ear defects and their social

       – psychological – medical — pedagogical escort;                                                                                                                                                       

   * General conclusion of scientific approaches in the Russian and German

       systems of rendering help to disabled peoplewith speech and eardefects

       after a cochlear implantation as well as people with problems of motor


III. Addressed audience:

       institutions of education and social defence in the republic of Bashkortostan, disabled people and their parents.             

IV. Participants of project:                                                      

     SAEI SPE Salavat college of education and professional technologies,

       SAEI SPO Salavat medical college, the kindergarten № 1in Salavat,

       SBI Salavat regional psychological – medical – pedagogical board, LRS

       “Medical centre”, “ Medical service”, MEI SCS (school) № 15,

       Sterlitamac state pedagogical academy, Istitution of education

       development, Institution FON in Shtutgart, UNESCO Committee in

       RB, the Bashkir state pedagogical university, Ufa state academy of

       economics and service.

V. Essence of project:

1) International seminars on the point of the project: June 14 −18, 2010; September 12 −16, 2011;


2) round-table meetings;


3)organizing in German rehabilitation centres the experience exchange courses on the problems of training, education and rehabilitation of disabled people with speech and ear defects after a cochlear implantation;

4) arranging improvement courses of professional skills;


5) presenting the first- rate work;


6) publishing four collections of articles summarizing the results of the seminars;

7) functioning of the regional resource centre of social– psychological — pedagogical escort of invalids and disabled people;   


8)organizing courses on ergotherapy; 


9)functioning of the federal experimental laboratory titled                     “ Cooperation of educational institutions and families with disabled children”;                                                                                         

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